Muti: Tuberous Breast




Successful outcomes in breast surgery depend on aesthetics and safety. The four S 's of a pleasing

aesthetic result in breast surgery incIude I shape,2 symmetry, 3 size, and 4 scars (23).

Although desired breast size will vary with cultural and personal preferences, the ideal breast shape
is projecting with enough volume above and below the nipple, more below than above, and the nipple­
areola complex at the point of maximal projection. Scars should be inconspicuous and not extend
beyond the breast.

Without question the most important of the four S's and the most challenging to accomplish is
symmetry, symmetry of shape, size, and nipple-areola placement. Needless to say, the fifth S, safety,
is as important as the previous four. Safety of the patient comes first and then preservation of the
nipple-areola blood supply is paramount.

The tuberous breast presents more than one challenge to the surgeon. The hypoplastic, tight lower
pole, the enlarged ptotic areola, and most difficult of all, the asymmetry between the breasts that is so
often present.

Surgical correction of the tuberous breast is one of the most challenging in breast surgery. The
challenges include restoration of volume, especially in the lower pole, correction of areola changes,
and most difficult, matehing the two breasts in size, shape, and nipple-areola position.

Very clearly Dr. Muti has met these challenges. She has mastered the art and science of aesthetic
surgery of the breast. In this monograph, based on a career long passion for excellence and commit­
ment to patient safety, she shares with us her expertise, from the initial patient interview to analysis of
both breasts, her surgical technique, and post-operative care. She explains how she has been able to
consistently achieve these superior results with minimal morbidity. The techniques are demonstrated
well with artwork and operative images.

The concepts presented in this book and the results shown are the work of an individual who
understands the morphological deficiencies of the tuberous breast. Having personally witnessed her
superior technical abilities and commitment to excellence in the operating room, it is easy to under­
stand her consistently excellent results which restore volume, shape and symmetry in women with
tuberous breasts. We are indebted to her for sharing her expertise, her experience, attention to detail,
and excellent results with us in this mono graph. I am confident that this work will enable us to better
serve our patients. Restoring a tuberous breast to normal undoubtedly improves low self este em and
quality oflife, goals that we as plastic surgeons hold high and are committed to!

Foad Nahai, MD.

Verlag: SEE Editrice Firence Erscheinungsdatum: 2012
Seiten: 208 pp Abbildungen: 832 col. ills. ISBN-13: 978-88-97438-00-8